
Holidays Part 1

First shots of the CD-R King 35mm camera that i bought. P380 pesos with free film. Operates more like a toy camera more than anything. Kind of has that lomo-ish effect. Problem is, some of the shots didn't register. tsk. Out of 36, only 23 came out.


A run through old Manila

1st Post: Manila Public Transportation

I had the greatest time waiting for a bus after leaving her house. I had to walk/run a good 20 minutes the opposite way to catch one. Luckily i was able to squeeze in one that was packed. It was tough commuting experience but it grounds me and reminds me where i am - in the forever turbulent streets of Manila. I know i’ll miss chaos when it’s not there anymore.

What is overloading anyway? Every time i pass by NLEX, they’re supposedly strictly enforcing an anti-overloading law. But then all the buses passing by Malinta that time were clearly overloaded. But then overloaded is a subjective term here in Manila. The LRT and MRT, the boat that sunk, the jeep that went over a cliff, and that bus that packed about 100 people in. I guess we’re all trying to set a world record.